Dating Outdoors Enthusiasts

A DIY do it yourself-er, military background, with a commonsense attitude, loves the outdoors and everything to see the most of mother earth, want to share that experience with someone explicitly

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Me: A generally happy, cheerful, guy who likes getting outside (as well as staying inside) and needs to explore his new community (I relocated here last summer)—and thinks exploring is more fun with two. I'm really a sea kayaker, but am reconnecting...

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Caring, athletic, fit, intellectual, health and entrepreneurial professional living and working in Northern NJ. Seeking a wonderful woman with similar attributes and desires to enjoy fun times together.

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I'm a Bubbly, humorous, crazy, quirky and witty kind of person, who loves animals and are looking for a like-minded family man fifty and under (sorry!) and at least taller than me. I'm a pretty well laid back human being in general.

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Kvalitet tillsammans.

Idade 50 De Trosa, Sweden

Homem Procurando um Mulher

Relacionado: Attractive Dating Pet Lovers

Bra umgänge på alla sätt Bra umgänge på alla sätt Bigkanua Y h o

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Sereno, ottimista, e equilibrato. E ironico. Amo stare e muovermi all'aria aperta, boschi, montagna. Esplorare, vivere lontano da traffico e città. Leggere molto. Amo gli animali. Circondarmi di bellezza e di natura è il bisogno che vorrei...

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Stevig stappend, gezellig (electrisch) fietsend of bollend met de old-timer ... op het gevoel een bos, stad, natuur of streek ontdekken? Napraten met lokale gerechtjes en drankjes in een brasserie bijvoorbeeld. Verras jij deze 54jarige leerkracht...

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